- Greet the learners.
- Tell the learners that we use different materials in life that are made up of matter.
- Ask them to name a few materials and say what can be made from it.
Possible answers [wool – jerseys; plastic – glasses; paper – envelopes; wood – furniture; leather – belts; etc.]
- Show them / let them show a few materials that they had brought from home.
- Show Video Clip 1: 3C Materials song. [2:25 min.] or Video Clip 2: [1:55 min.].
- In this video the learners will be able to sing along, while different materials are shown. They will also see where it comes from and learn a few properties of the materials.
Teacher Input 1
- Find out if they can identify the materials that were used to make their school uniform, the school building, their stationery, etc.
- Present an overview of physical properties of material by using Presentation 1: Physical properties of materials.
- Tell them that they must take note of the strength, flexibility, melting and boiling points of the various materials.
- Show Video Clip 3: Why have Valplast Flexible Denture? [2:25 min.] Or Show Video Clip 4: Handmade Sunglasses // Proof Eyewear. [2:15 min.].
- Ask the learners who usually wear sunglasses:
- Where do they buy it?
- Do they think it can damage their eyesight?
- Is it a fashion statement?
- Is it prescribed sunglasses?
- Find out what the learners know about dentures [false teeth].
Learner Activity 1
- The learners explain what they found interesting and what they did not know.
- They also share what they know and have learnt about dentures and sunglasses. Let them state whether they would think twice before they wear any type of sunglasses.
- Complete Worksheet A: Physical Properties of materials.
- Teacher to use Worksheet A: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
Teacher Input 2
- Inform the learners that they must pay attention to the property details of the video that they will be watching.
- They can also write down important facts, which they can share at the end of the video clip.
- Show Video Clip 5: [7:15 min.].
Learner Activity 2
- The learners share the important facts that they had jotted down.
- They can investigate and compare the strength of materials by completing
- Worksheet B: Investigate and compare the strength of material.
- The teacher monitors the groups while they are testing different materials’ strengths.
- The learners are also reminded to work as a group and record their findings.
- Teacher to use Worksheet B: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
Teacher Input 3
- Ask one of the learners to make a cup of tea. He / she must explain the steps. Listen carefully if they mention that the water must first boil.
- Now you can inform them about the boiling and melting points of a substance.
- Melting point: temperature at which a substance starts to melt.
Water’s melting point is 0°C.
Candle wax melts at 50°C.
- Boiling point: temperature at which a substance starts to boil.
Water’s boiling point is 100°C.
Large bubbles rise to the surface of the liquid as it changes to the gas state.
- Show Video Clip 6: Boiling Points Demonstration. [4:00 min.].
Learner Activity 3
- Read important facts about boiling points on Worksheet C.
- Complete Worksheet C: Read the facts about the boiling and melting points of substances.
- Teacher to use Worksheet C: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- If time allows, show Video Clip 7: investigation steps of Under Pressure: Boiling Water.
Learner Activity 4
- Investigation steps are revised.
- Learners will do an investigation to see what happens when water heats up and boils as set out in Worksheet D: Investigate what happens when water heats up and boils.
- Teacher to use Worksheet D: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- This can serve as a formal assessment task. [Marks can be adapted accordingly]
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