- Do you think that your parents are satisfied about the cost of electricity?
- A brief discussion follows.
- Compare and discuss pre-paid electricity purchase slips.
Teacher Input 6
- Ask the learners the following questions and tell them that they must also give reasons for their answer:
- Is it necessary to switch appliances off that are not being used?
- Why is electricity so expensive?
- Do people pay less if they buy pre-paid electric for their pre-paid boxes?
- Does load shedding affect people?
- How can we save electricity?
- Present an overview of the cost of electricity by using PRESENTATION 3: Cost of electricity.
Learner Activity 4
- The groups discuss how they can save energy at school and at home.
- Practical work with calculators to verify the figures in slide 11 and 12 of Presentation 3.
Teacher Input 7
- Hand out Worksheet C: FOSSIL FUELS [Cost of electricity].
- Tell the learners that they will watch the video clip 3 and fill in the answers at the same time.
- A slide number follows each question to guide the learners.
- Inform them to spell correctly, because incorrect spelling will result in the answer being marked wrong.
- The teacher must pause at each slide so that the learners can read the content silently and select their answers.
Learner Activity 5
- The learners complete Worksheet C.
- Teacher to use Worksheet C: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
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