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Term 3 Topic 3 Radiation
Home/Term 3 Topic 3 Radiation
Term 3 Topic 3 Radiation
- Show the learners an X-ray and ask them the following questions:
- What am I keeping in my hand?
- Call one learner to the front; let him/her look closer and explain to the rest of the class what they can see/ identify.
- Find out who had been to a radiologist (let the learner elaborate / if no one can, then you, as the teacher, must tell the learners).
- Ask the learners what do cars, rocks, oceans, horses, the atmosphere and trees have in common with them (the learners). (Possible answers: each one is a source of radiation most of this radiation is invisible).
- Explain to the learners that every surface on earth absorbs and reflects energy at different degrees, depending on its texture as well as its colour.
- Show Video 4: funny x rays (1:00 min.).
- Present an overview of radiation by using Presentation 5: Radiation.
- Learners complete Worksheet D.
- Teacher to use WORKSHEET D: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- Learners complete QUIZ 1.
- Teacher to use QUIZ 1: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
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