Other Properties of MetalsAdministrator2020-10-06T12:48:48+02:00
Metals have special properties which make them suitable materials for many different objects. Some of these special properties allow humans to make jewellery, coins, buildings, vehicles, furniture, utensils, etc.
Metals are useful because of their special properties
They conduct heat.
Some are magnetic.
Only iron rusts (some metals tarnish or become dull).
Ice Breaker
Greet the learners.
Throw a handful of paperclips into the air.
Ask learners to form groups of 5.
Each group must pick up 5 paperclips and join them to form a chain.
Then all the groups must join their chains to form one and place it on teacher’s desk.
Teacher Input 1
Ask learners to describe the paperclips – shape, colour, feel. size, sound it made when it fell, etc.