The purpose of the Natural Sciences and Technology Test Wizard is to guide teachers to develop formal and informal assessments (tests) as per the requirements of the the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Natural Sciences and Technology, including:
- content to be tested
- required marks for tests
- required combination of lower, middle and higher order questions
After completion of the test questions, teachers will be able to generate a printable test and separate memorandum from the system.
1. Opening the Test Wizard
The Test Wizard is presented as a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel format.
- Download and save the document to your computer.
- When opening the document, a security warning will appear at the top: Some active content has been disabled.
- In the “Options” box, select “Enable this content” and click “OK”.
2. Capturing your Class List
- Use the yellow buttons at the top of the HOME spreadsheet to access the different Test Wizard functions.
- Enter learner names by clicking the “Add learner” menu button.
- Names and surnames may be entered at random – to sort names alphabetically, click the “Sort Alphabetically” button.
3. Starting your test / exam paper
- Click the “Add New Test Paper” button.
- Select the Term (or combination of terms) for which work is being tested.
- Select options for either Formal Assessment or Informal Test (e.g. class test).
- Insert Test marks
- Click “Create Test”
- Based on the total marks of the test, the Test Wizard will generate a graph of how many marks are to be allocated to lower-, middle- and higher order questions, as per the CAPS requirements for the particular grade.
- The graph will adapt itself after the addition of each new question to indicate how many marks are still available for each level.
4. Adding and formulating test / exam questions
Step 1
- Access this function via the “Add Question” menu button.
- Select a topic from the “Choose Topic” menu.
- Select content and concepts from drop-down list.
- Click “Next”.
Step 2
- Select question type, cognitive level and a leading (operative) verb for the question you would like to formulate
The following are examples of how to formulate the different question types -
- Multiple Choice
- Space is provided to insert “Correct answer” and “Number of marks”.
- The Test Wizard will automatically group all Mutiple Choice questions
- The Test Wizard will automatically generate the overarching instruction for all Multiple Choice questions, e.g. Select the correct answer from the options provided. This instruction will be visible on the final test paper.
- Labelling a picture
- A bank of images is available for each topic.
- Download and save the images on your computer system for ease of access
- True or False
- The Test Wizard will automatically group all True/False questions together.
- The Test Wizard will automatically generate the overarching instruction for all True/False questions, e.g. State whether the following is true or false. This instruction will be visible on the final test paper.
- Short question (with picture)
- the addition of a picture is optional
5. How to edit a question
- Keep track of questions already formulated by viewing completed questions on the expanding list of questions that appear at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
- Edit or delete a question as follows –
- Click on the question number
- Click “Edit Question” and perform the edit or delete the question
6. Printing the test paper and memorandum
- Click on “Print Test Paper and Memo”
- Complete the required fields
- Click “OK”
Example of Test Paper and Memorandum
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