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Term 4 Topic 2 Gravity
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Term 4 Topic 2 Gravity
- Let the learners speak about the movement of astronauts in space.
- Ask questions about space shuttles; getting into/out of space shuttles; moving outside the space shuttle; special clothing that astronauts wear; etc.
- Show Video Clip 2: Gravity. [5:06 min.].
- Allow 3 - 4 learners to explain what they found interesting in the video clip.
- Present an overview of gravity by using Presentation 2: Gravity.
- Complete WORKSHEET B: Demonstrate the pull of gravity.
- Teacher to use WORKSHEET B: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- Groups are asked to give feedback on the video clip:
- The importance of life on Earth must be emphasized [agree/disagree + reasons].
- Inter-relationships of the Earth, Moon and Sun are important [discuss].
- The tides do not play a vital role on Earth [true / false + reasons].
- Complete Worksheet C: Draw the positions of the Moon, Sun and Earth at springtide and neap tide.
- Teacher to use Worksheet C: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- Inform the learners that they will receive a fact sheet about gravity.
- Hand out the gravity Fact sheet.
- The learners work on their own.
- They read through the Fact sheet.
- Complete Worksheet D: Based on the Fact Sheet of Gravity.
- Teacher to use Worksheet D: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work
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