Ask the learners a few questions about:
- the Sun [rising and setting time; etc.];
- the Moon [full; half; etc.];
- the Earth [continents; living organisms; tides; etc.].
- Group the learners and they must discuss one of the things below that influence their lives: [cell phones; television; fashion; friends; etc.].
- Each group gets an opportunity to dramatize of the topic they chose/ were given.
Teacher Input 1
- Greet the learners.
- Praise them for being so creative during their dramatization.
- Inform them that they will be looking at the different positions of the Moon and how it has an influence on the Earth.
- Show Video Clip 1: The Earth, Moon and Sun System. [3:59 min.].
- Present an overview of the positions of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun by using Presentation 1: Relative positions of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.
Learner Activity 1
- Learners can relate to the content and give feedback about the video clip.
- Complete WORKSHEET A: Making a model of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
- Teacher to use WORKSHEET t A: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
Teacher Input 2
- Ask the learners if they had ever noticed the different sizes and appearances of the Sun and the Moon.
- Find out if they can give reasons for the differences in sizes and appearances.
Learner Activity 2
- Complete QUIZ 1: The relative positions of the earth, Moon and Sun.
- Teacher to use QUIZ 1: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
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