- Plants and animals grow and develop throughout their lives.
- A life cycle describes the stages and processes that take place while an:
- animal or plant develops and grows.
- A life cycle describes how one generation of an animal or plant gives rise:
- to the next generation through reproduction.
- Death can occur at any stage of the life cycle.
- Many animals care for their young in order for them to develop and grow.
- A food chain is also included.
Ice Breaker
- Greet the learners.
- Ask how many of them have ever planted a tree/seedling/herb.
- Choose a learner to plant one of the seedlings into the empty pot plant container as follows:
- place small stones at the bottom (good drainage).
- fill half of the container with potting / bush soil.
- carefully remove one seedling from the tray (push a pencil carefully through the hole at the bottom).
- place the seedling in the centre of the container.
- fill the container with potting/bush soil.
- use the 2 Litre cool drink bottle with the holes at the bottom to water the seedling.
- place the container in the class on the teacher’s table or cupboard (it must be exposed to enough sunshine and light).
- a group of learners can be identified to start a garden [after dismissal] ; first prepare the demarcated area and then they can plant the rest of the seedlings.
- the learners must monitor the growth, colours and changes of the seedling in the class and compare it to the seedlings in the garden.
Teacher Input 1
- Ask learners the following questions:
- How did a butterfly look when it was born? (Caterpillar = worm-like larva of an insect).
- What is a tadpole and how will its life cycle change? (the tailed larvae of a frog, toad, newt or salamander).
- Look at the tray of seedlings and describe how they will look when they start flowering.
- Describe the colour of the seedlings.
- How many seeds can be counted?
- Read the seedling packet for the following information:
- name of the flower
- describe the colour and size of the seeds
- identify in which season it should be planted
- name the colours of the flowers
- identify the season in which it should be sown
- should it be planted in full sun / shade / semi-shade sections in thegarden
- Show Presentation 1 and tell the learners they will be expected to answer a few questions afterwards.
Learner Activity 1
- Have a quiz competition in class.
- The learners will compete as they are seated in their rows.
- Points are allocated as follows:
- 3 points are awarded for the correct answer.
- 2 points are deducted for the wrong answer.
- 1 point is awarded for an answer that is partially correct.
- Questions:
- What is a life cycle?
The process of a plant and animal’s development from birth until death.
- Name two animals that play a role in pollination.
Insects (fly, bee, butterfly, birds, etc.
- True / false and reason: Roots grow upwards towards the sunlight.
- Where does a plant’s life cycle start?
Seed that germinates.
- What is needed for a seed to germinate? Name 2.
Water, light, correct temperature.
Commend the learners on their performance in the quiz.
Teacher Input 2
- Remind the learners that certain words like pollination, germination, fertilization and seed dispersal are very important and they must know the definition of each word.
- They will watch 3 videos : 1st – pollination; 2nd – growth of a seed; 3rd seed dispersal; dramatize the life cycle of a plant in groups of 6.
- The teacher should encourage and inspire the learners to improvise by being creative, innovative and unpredictable.
- The teacher also tells the learners that they will complete two worksheets after the groups have dramatized the life cycle of a plant.
- Show Video Clip 1 (2:31 minutes).
The video shows the pollination of a flower, and the process it goes through from pollination, fertilization and the formation of dispersal of seeds.
- Show Video Clip 2 (04:07 minutes). The video shows a growing seed.
- Show Video Clip 3 (2:25 minutes). The video shows how seed disperal occurs.
Learner Activity 2
- Three learners are asked to explain what they saw / liked / can remember of the video clips.
- Groups dramatize the life cycle of a plant.
- The learners complete Worksheet A.
- Worksheet A.
Teacher Input 3
- Ask the learners who has pets.
- Encourage them to elaborate on their pets’ colour, name, habits, age, etc.
- Explain that the next presentation will cover the life cycles of animals, including humans and mammals.
- The learners are instructed to jot down words or facts that they did not know/ would not remember/ find interesting.
- Show Presentation 2.
- Allow learners an opportunity to ask questions about words or factst that they do not know / remember or are unsure of or ask prompting questions.
Learner Activity 3
- Divide the learners into 6 groups.
- 6 groups dramatize the life cycle of an animal.
- Encourage and inspire the learners to improvise by being creative, innovative and unpredictable.
- Inform the learners that they will watch a video clip on metamorphosis before they complete the next worksheet.
Teacher Input 4
- Show Video Clip 4 (4:32 minutes).
The video shows the life cycle from a caterpillar into a butterfly.
- After the video clip, ask one or two learners to explain the process of how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
Learner Activity 4
- Hand out Worksheet B for learners to complete.
Revision Activity 1
- Learners complete Quiz 1.
Additional Resources: Video Links
- Seed germination -
- Life cycle of butterfly and frog -
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