- Tell the learners they are now going to have an opportunity to learn how to draw an electric circuit.
- In order to keep a record of an electric circuit that was constructed, it can be drawn or a photo can be taken.
- Show the learners a sketch of a simple circuit with a paperclip switch which was drawn on a chart by the teacher/a learner.
- Inform the learners that scientists have found a way to allow everyone to draw electric circuits using special symbols that represent the components of a circuit.
- The whole world uses these symbols and circuits can be drawn, interpreted, recorded and understood very quickly by people, technicians, scientists and engineers.
Teacher Input 5
- Ask the learners whether they feel confident about drawing an electric circuit.
- Present an overview of drawing simple circuit diagrams by using Presentation 3:
Symbols used for drawing circuit diagrams.
Learner Activity 6
- The learners compare the circuit diagram that they had drawn with the diagrams shown in Presentation 3.
- The teacher encourages the learners to expand their understanding of electric circuits.
- They must follow the instructions below:
- Circuit components to be used: switch, conducting wire, battery and a bulb.
- Attention is drawn to the positions of each component in their sketches and the ones of Presentation 3.
- The components are shifted (battery on top, bulb on the left).
- Learners get an opportunity to draw their new electric circuit.
- They are also asked to make a hypothesis of what would happen if the switch is closed.
- (Possible predictions: no difference, the bulb will light up quicker, the bulb will shine brighter, the bulb will shine duller, etc.).
- Learners are told to set up their circuits, put the switch on, see whose hypothesis was correct.
- Conclusion: The position of the components in a simple circuit do not matter. The electric current will be the same in both cases because the bulb (same resistance) and the battery (the same power supply) were not changed.
Teacher Input 6
- Present an overview of circuit diagrams by using Presentation 4: Circuit diagrams.
Learner Activity 7
- Worksheet B: Circuit diagrams.
- Teacher to use WORKSHEET B: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
Revision Activity 2
- Tell learners they will be watching a video clip and that they must watch carefully because they will answer a quiz about the video afterwards.
- Learners watch the Video Clip 4: What is electricity. (7:05 min.).
- Learners complete Quiz 2 after they have watched the video clip.
- Teacher to use QUIZ 2: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
- Before the last quiz is given, the teacher can show Video Clip 5: Electricity and energy song to the learners.(3:08 min.).
Revision Activity 3
- Learners complete QUIZ 3.
- Teacher to use QUIZ 3: Memorandum to mark the learners’ work.
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